test.guide 2024 Q2

Highlights at a glance

Playbook management in folders

For better management, playbooks can be organized hierarchically into folders.

You can add, delete, and move playbook folders from one folder to another on the Playbook overview page.

The folder structure is easy to navigate. Only the playbooks and subfolders of the currently selected playbook folder are displayed.
test.guide Release 1.166.0 Playbook-Verwaltung in Ordnern

Automatic data archiving via the REST API

With the help of the extended Report Management REST API, it is now easy to archive data by exporting it and deleting it after a successful export.

Successfully exported reports from test.guide are stored structured by date and deleted from test.guide. If required, they can be imported again via the API or the GUI.
test.guide Release 1.163.0 PDF-Bericht mit Eclipse BIRT erstellt

Files as links in the artifact management

The test.guide artifact management allows you to publish various artifacts as links. This is also possible for files as of ecu.test 2024.1.

So you don't need to upload these files explicitly to test.guide itself. In order for the file references to be captured, it is important that the ATX parameter archiveExternalLinks is activated so that the test steps of the ecu.test Report Utility capture the attachments as a reference in the ATX.
test.guide Release 1.163.0 PDF-Bericht mit Eclipse BIRT erstellt
In addition, a repository must be set up on the reference file host path in artifact management, which must then also be activated in the file repository.
test.guide Release 1.163.0 PDF-Bericht mit Eclipse BIRT erstellt
The linked files are then managed in test.guide and can be downloaded, but can also be cleaned up using removal rules, for example.
test.guide Release 1.163.0 PDF-Bericht mit Eclipse BIRT erstellt

Quota options for artifact management

As part of the artifact management, new quota options have been implemented to ensure that the storage does not exceed a certain size.

It is now possible to send notifications if defined threshold values or upload limits are exceeded.
test.guide Release 1.167.0 Quota-Optionen in der Artefaktverwaltung