ecu.test Release 2024.2

Highlights at a glance

Chinese as additional GUI language

The Chinese automotive industry has expanded significantly in recent years in the development and validation of vehicle functions, and many new manufacturers are now active in this market.
To improve the accessibility of ecu.test in this market, Chinese is now available as GUI language in addition to German and English.

The focus is on descriptions and other explanatory text to improve usability, especially for new users.
Custom names, log output, and technical terms are deliberately kept in English.
ecu.test Release 2024.2 Projektreport
At the same time, the principle of test case languages has been revised. These can now be used in any combination of English, German and Chinese.

ecu.test Release 2024.2 Projektreport

Project report

The project report concept has been significantly revised to accommodate current workflows as well as requirements for stability and faster access to information, even for very large reports.
At file level, project-based information is stored in a .prf file, while package results are stored in individual .trf files.
ecu.test Release 2024.2 Projektreport
The Report Viewer and the Report API continue providing the well-established uniform access to all information. For existing projects, the new project report must currently be explicitly activated in the Workspace settings under Report to ensure a conflict-free transition.

Note: With ecu.test 2024.3, the report is activated by default.

Automotive File Exchange

In addition to A2L, Hex and bus databases, ecu.test 2024.2 supports the referencing of mapping files from a depository.

Any number of mapping files from one or more depositories can be combined.

This does not affect the ability to sort mapping files.
ecu.test Release 2024.2 Automotive File Exchange

XCP support for CAN and CAN-FD

Measurement and calibration access with ecu.test calibration can now also be used in combination with CAN(-FD).

All supported hardware-related CAN bus connections can be used for this.
ecu.test Release 2024.2 Schema zur XCP-Unterstützung von CAN und CAN(FD)